Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day

Earth Day

What did you do for Earth Day? 

Sample responses:  " i made love to mother earth" 

"I smoked half as much reefer(?).

"i didn't dump four gallons of motor oil in the gutter....I also recognized captain planet as a childhood hero."

"I planted a seed in your sister.  Watch it grow!"

"i reused napkins at work."

"Didn't wear clothes and cleaned up garbage.."

For Earth Day, I didn't do much in the way of helping use less energy and live cleaner.  I did feel guilty about watching tv though.  But only cause there was crap on.  One friend assumed i had made some kind of plans myself, like i threw a party or something.  But i did end up watching the BBC doc. Planet Earth.  And it made me realize something.

That something was how eerily like a vast mega computer the earth actually is, that there are patterns in the stampeding Wildabeest, and waterfalls that have no business being there by conventional laws of physics, and other things strange and wonderful that are working in harmony for some greater good.  The Hitchhikers Guide was not only incredibly witty and entertaining, but oddly prophetic as well.  We are all coming closer as a culture to an understanding that we are a part of the earth, not some alien beings outsourced.  We are a part of the program.  

The problem with all this earth stuff is that most people can't see the big picture, and that is this; that the earth is infinitely more complex than we are capable of understanding, because we are not in a position to see it all at once, and see how it is all operating at a moment.  Which is why i'm not worried about the planet earth, i'm worried about us.

The world was floating around and doing it's calculations long before we arrived on the scene, and will continue to do so.  Just like a virus won't make the whole computer spontaneously catch fire, we won't do the same to our planet.  In essence that is what we've become; a nice little program that's become a virus.  And because we are a virus in such a sophisticated computer engine, the engine is soon going to find a way to get on with it's business without us.  Everything we are doing to the environment we are first and foremost doing to ourselves, even if we don't realize it.  If we were wiped off the face of the earth, the earth would still be there.  So before it's too late, lets make ourselves useful instead of what we have been doing in our ignorance, become more of a hassle than we are worth.

Basically we have to learn how to work with the system, instead of trying to control the system, because in the long run it's going to be the system that wins out.

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