Sunday, March 29, 2009

MY top fives of good and bad; Stealing canoes is a great canadian pass time

1. not walking in snow ( smooth walking feels like buttery sex)
2. naps (fuck yeah i got nothing to do, put buffy the vampire slayer on and sleep)
3. not paying for food (even though your friend is paying it feels like you're giving the middle finger to the man)
4. giving the middle finger (so liberating like walking naked down Broadway)
5. full batteries on my ipod (sorry i ain't talking to you,I'm singing Counting Crows)

1. paying for drugs (legal or not its no fun, to try to have fun)
2. STDs (seriously nobody needs that shit)
3. Americans (they think they are so special, whatever dude)
4. bandannas tied to your wrist (man you look so stupid dude, hurry nickleback is playing)
5. my impatience  (I fucking hate waiting to eat kraft dinner)

bonus for good and bad

6. hot girls (I'm not into you so don't think you're dope, I'm so into you)

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