Saturday, March 7, 2009


So snow was in the peg yesterday, he started selling tickets for 25 bucks a piece but by showtime ticks were two for 10 bucks. That should have been an indication of the quality of show we were about to see. Well it was, there was about 100 die hard snow fans at blush so it was pretty bare. So snow hits the stage at 12 and by 12:10 he still had not actually sang a lyric from one of his 2 hits. They kept looping this bullshit beat from some Jamaican hot jam. then he bolts to a door behind the stage and goes to portage avenue.once people sorta begin to boo he returns to loop the same bumbuclut track for 3 minutes. Once we were into the first jam it fully fuckin sucks, he had the worst stage presence just sorta pacing looking down and shouting some bullshit no one could understand. he played informer and some other unrecognisable tracks. he was on stage for about 45 minutes then bolted to the "vip". The VIP was just the upstairs of blush that was roped up by chongo security guards. He had some security duder limiting people to one picture, it was basically just a shabby meet n greet. This basically concluded the worst bullshit concert I've ever attended. The only highlight of the night was some random dude walking into Denny's with a street pylon on his head and yelling at the waitress. Thanks snow for a wonderful evening BEAT IT.....Gilbotron

1 comment:

  1. I though Snow actually went to jail, and that's where he wrote the song. You'd think jail would make him tough, but it was just a canadian jail. And he probably did it so that whoever's bitch he was could have a good laugh when he got out.
