Saturday, February 21, 2009

Blow it out your mouth

If I hear one more person comment about me smoking, I WILL put my cigarette out on their tongue. Sorry to get excited, but I’m fed up. YES I smoke, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. You don’t need to ask me if I do, after I light up a cigarette. You don’t need to tell me its bad for me, I know. I mean seriously, if I’m walking down the street smoking a cigarette and Jake Shticknisarse is walking past me I don’t need his 2 cents. I’m not an asshole about smoking. I’m not gonna come into your house, light one up and start talking about the weather. But if I do please state your opinion. However until that happens, its my body, and my choice as to what I do with it. So long as its not affecting you, don’t talk to me about it. Don’t get me wrong though I’m not trying to justify smoking, I just simply mean to say leave me alone about it. I’ll quit when I’m ready and your hurricane of smoking facts isn’t going to quicken the process.

“What? There ISN’T any vitamin C in my cigarette? Whats that? Smoking can cause CANCER!?”
