Monday, January 5, 2009

For the love of Madge

Madonna   Hard Candy(2008)

To say this album was 4 minutes too long is a gross understatement. Even with the help of producers and vocal appearances by Justin Timberlake, Timbaland, Kanye and Pharell, this record just sounds like another Britney or Gwen record mixed and tweaked by the biggest dudes in the game. But with Britney, her music comes accross as a guilty pleasure because you know her songs are catchy, easily digestible mass-appealing fluff. Madonna has a 20+ successful career under her belt and is apparantly trying to tap that same audience. Good god the cover alone!

This takes my vote as worst album of 2008. 
One (old) star


1 comment:

  1. saw this in the store and thought about doing this one, but i found myself looking at her crotch too much and thinking "do i have a boner or are you too old'
