Saturday, January 24, 2009

It seems like every year drivers get worse! Whats the deal with that? Ohhhh wait i know, its the fact that the white crackers who own the driver schools were tooo fat and lazy to teach people so they hired turban head fucks who's previous jobs were to escort camels through the desart...Fuck all of you



  1. alot of them were dcotors or surgeons before they came here. they are cab drivers to help better their english and because they can pray anytime of the day they need to.

    and they work pretty hard and late driving people's drunk asses home everynight.
    mad respect for cabbies.

  2. take it easy hombre
    those guys do some solid work
    night in and night out

    lets scrap all this negativity

    the power is yours!

  3. What pisses me off is people who still complain about how bad drivers are in Winnipeg. Like no shit, we know, get used to it. Winnipeg is just a city condusive to bad driving, end of story.
