Monday, January 26, 2009

Rah Rah Rasputin

Every time I get in a cab I get in the front seat. Cab drivers are the most interesting people to talk to. They all have the most fucked up stories of people shooting up in the back, fucking, doing blow off their car keys that should have gotten them home that night.

Maybe they do smell and their english isn't that good. But who the fuck cares. They're getting by from driving your stupid drunk asses home at 3 in the morning. Maybe they do get in accidents, but you would think so since they are usually up doing graveyard shifts and the average normal human being can only drive a car down the same streets for about 25 minutes without wanting to shoot themselves in the brain.
Cabbies are usually respected people in their homeland but it might be torn apart from wars, famine or just overrun with crime, so they would have to get out. I would give somebody a second chance if that was the case. I wouldn't call them a raghead. Sure their religions are fucked up and it must be hot as hell with that towel up there. But imagine if North America broke out in a civil war and you were forced to move to another continent, learn another language and deal with constant criticism from people that aren't the same color as you. I guarantee you wouldn't go straight to being what you were back home. You would be doing the bum jobs that nobody wants to do. I don't fucking care if you disagree with me on this but cab drivers deserve a little respect.

Pan said there should be responses to other posts, so there's one.

And here's another.

Sure American Apparel is the new trend and it's become the blunt object killing kid's individuality. But you were still shopping there. Don't criticize something that you're still putting your hard earned cash into. Get over fucking designer clothes and go to Zellers to buy shirts that fit like they were sewn by a four year old Vietnamese boy. Plus you could get a Big Z burger while you're there.

P.S. Oprah is tight.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Of course they deserve respect.

    Obviously more than just a little...


    Thankfully this is only one person's view.

    Not NUS material.
