Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I eat pies like you for brunch

you've all heard the joke before... y'know, where the two pies are chillin on the window sill and one pie says to the other " damn, it's cold out here, I wish I was back in the oven ". Then the other pie responds with a " HOLY FUCK A TALKING PIE"...

I would like to go ahead and blow the cover off this joke. This joke is straight bullshit. Firstly, pies can't talk, and second, if the pie is talking why is he so surprised that the other pie can talk as well?



  1. whoever wrote this should use Garbage as their secret identity. Its like that show/book ghost writer.
    except not gay.

  2. i bet whoever wrote this blog was the same person that wrote the first comment so they can feel cool about the name they want to use.

  3. I bet all the comments and the article are written by the same person. Except this comment. This comment is tres cool.

  4. "A man walks into a bar"

    What does he say?


    Gay. Gay. Gay.
